Lets Get Down to Business!!
I love Mulan....This week has been C-R-A-Z-Y-! So the week before I finally got my wish and won a fish from bingo. It’s a beautiful red male betta fish, and my friends and I named him Filipe (with an accent on the E). Let me tell you that I have owned a fish before, and never have I ever .had to learn so much. I don't want him to die like my last fish did, which was a goldfish, named Cora. So I have been doing a lot of in-depth research, and one thing I learned is that this fish doesn't have to eat every day. Mind you, I fed this fish in the morning, and in the evening. So I understand now why it would eat a flake, spit it out, and just look up at it for hours. So because of this, I would have to clean the tank out ( not the entire thing, just the food off the top) just so that it wouldn’t get nasty. On top of that, I have been trying to finish my work for all of my classes, while my teachers have been indecisive of when they want certain things done. For instance, on the syllabus for the longest time, there was a due date. Then all of a sudden in class she’s asking us to turn things in and everyone is like “Hold up. Turn what in?” and she’s looking at us like we are dumb and says “Oh I meant to change the due date for today; not on the later date I intended”...... Let me tell you everyone was completely confused. Now moving on Thursday, the worst day might I add, I worked on a paper for days to make sure it was perfect only to get to class and find out, I DID IT COMPLETELY WRONG!! But after explaining the situation, the teacher gave me one more day to rewrite it and do it correctly. I am ashamed for real. Skipping forward, I went to a concert to listen to some jazz and ended up eating Sheetz ice cream, and tater tots, with popcorn chicken. (They skimped out on my tater tots!!) So later that night we stayed up and my friend mixed up orange juice and vodka (I didn’t like it at all...), and I couldn’t get over the fact that it had pulp in it.
On Friday I went to work as usual because I woke up late and missed the only class I had scheduled for that day. At work, I tried to finish all of my homework, but the only thing I managed to finish was the one assignment due at 11:59 pm. Now I have no excuse not to get anything done this weekend because I apparently picked up an all day shift! Yay me right? No, I’d rather be home, but hey I’m making money I guess. So in closing, I just have two question for my readers:
What do you or are you aspiring to be? And what are your hopes and dreams? I will give my answer in the next blog post.